House on Bo-Kay Lane by Greta Burroughs, (A Wee People Adventure)

Description: Gerald and Vernon believe their time with the wee people came to an end after returning to their homes, but begin to wonder when strange things started to happen at a nearby abandoned house. Ghostly images and voices haunt the boys’ dreams. Curiosity draws them to investigate the mysterious haunted house. What they find takes them back to the world of the wee people and a new adventure begins.


wee people








The existence of the Wee People are in danger as once again Gerald, Vernon, and this time a grown up, Andrew (Gerald’s dad) come to their aid.  The differences in the cultures of the two worlds are well contrasted and examined in the writing skills of Burroughs and sometimes even comically. Once again Burroughs has delivered a great YA book for all ages.

Returning to the land of wee people has been as great adventure as the first time.  Greta has delivered a magical world of adventure and enlightenment. It was good to see old friends, Gerald and Vernon and to meet a new adult character.  The choice of connecting the two world by alternating the settings between Gerald’s world and the world of the Wee People (book one), allows the reader more insight to the characters motivations and adds a connection that can be used in future (hint) books in the series.  There is so much room to expand that it make me eager for the next book!